
Course Correction

Hodson Arnold Software Inc. is a new company that will build on the past successes of the Systems Farm group of companies.  Our focus on healthcare software solutions for the past decade will be adjusted to resume an interdisciplinary tack, reminiscent of a more creative and rewarding period for us.

We believe the best prospects will be found with an examination of the present state of American innovation.  As in the past, the inspiration resulting from an “on the ground” review of state-of-the art thinking in our areas of interest will propel Hodson Arnold Software Inc. towards a new horizon.

Relocation of our business activities will move us closer to the action.  The sale of new intellectual property will partially finance new operating companies, owned by Hodson Arnold Software Inc.  New partnerships will bolster the resources required to accommodate our substantial growth plans, which include acquisitions of new properties.

This course correction will take place between September of 2014 and December of 2017.